2:04pm, Wednesday November 22nd 2023
A 50% upfront non refundable* booking fee is payable before any appointment can be made.
*Any appointment cancelled with less than 24 hours notice given then the booking fee will will be kept and non transferable to the rescheduled appointment
Here is a little summary of what you can expect here at Smooth and Sophistikated following the COVID-19 Pandemic and some additional help on how to find me etc....
Thank you!
By agreeing to these booking conditions you are confirming that -
- you are happy to have hair,skin or body services with covid still prevalent.
- You have read these guidelines below and you will adhere to them.
- You also understand that you have a risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus during your appointment and you will not hold Smooth and Sophistikated liable if you contract it.
- You haven't been disagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 5 days
What to expect for you
What to expect from me
Your customer experience, safety and care is my top priority as well as the way you feel upon leaving my salon. I aim to start your appointment on time and have everything prepared ready to perform your treatment.I pride myself on having a spotlessly clean, professional, hygienic and private salon that uses premium grade reputable products enabling me to achieve the best results you deserve.
After going through your consultation form and updating any admin required, my goal is to give you a conscientiously detailed treatment that you remember for the right reasons. I will discuss with you exactly what I will be doing and answer any questions you have.
I regualrly review my Risk Assessment and update it accordingly. I will be following NHS covid guidelines to be able to keep myself and you safe.
How to find me - My address is 165 Cotefield Drive, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3DN where your appointment will take place.
If travelling by car, enter into Cotefield Drive and drive down the big hill, follow the road all the way to the end where the bollards are. Turn left up this road and turn left again when you reach the top. Drive into the cul-de-sac and my house is in front of you with grey cladding around the upstairs. There will be enough space to park on my drive.
Before you arrive – Please ensure that the length of your hair about to be waxed is long enough. Please leave 3 weeks since your last shave or 4 weeks since your last wax. Hair needs to be about the length of a grain of rice. For Electrolysis please don't shave 2-3 days before your appointment. If being waxed please can you shower beforehand or if attending during your lunch break or straight after work I have hygiene wipes available. You may wish to wear an old pair of underwear or comfortable clothes to your appointment, as much as I’m careful when carrying out my treatments I wouldn’t want to ruin your best pair of underwear. You can be waxed whilst on your period, I request you wear a tampon and tuck the string in as best you can. The decision is entriely yours though as I appreciate everyone is different. I also stock sanitary wear if needed and welcome any changes that are needed before commencement of waxing for your comfort.
Smooth and Sophistikated Company Policies 2022.
CLIENT ARRIVAL TIME AND EXPECTANT BEHAVIOUR – I treat all my clients with utmost respect and expect the same in return. I am a very approachable and genuine person. I won’t accept any forms of bad behaviour that I deem in appropriate just as I wouldn’t expect you to have to experience from me. All of my services are of a professional standard and not for adult entertainment purposes. Please arrive at your appointment in enough time, if I am running late or behind I will always notify you to wait in the car until I have finished with my current client and hygiene clean down protocols completed before accepting you into the salon. If you are running late please notify me at your earliest opportunity on 07769269183. If you are going to be later than 15 mins I may not be able to accommodate your appointment and it may have to be rescheduled depending what I have booked in for the rest of the day.
CANCELLATION POLICY – Please allow at least 24 hours notice of cancellation. If you need to cancel please notify me via text and I can do it for you or go online and cancel the appointment yourself. Failure to give less than 24 hours notice will mean the 50% of the total treatment cost non refundable booking fee will be kept and not be able to be transferred over to the next booked appointment.
BOOKING FEE’S – Due to an increase in no show and late cancellations a 50% non refundable* booking fee will be taken at the time of booking your appointment. *Failure to give less than 24 hours notice of cancellation will mean the booking fee will be kept and not be transferable to the next rescheduled appointment you'd like to book.
If more than 24 hours notice is given then the booking fee will be transferred over to the next appointment and the remainder of the treatment balance paid at your appointment.
REARRANGING/AMENDING APPOINTMENTS - This can be done up to 24 hours before the appointment via my online booking system or via messaging me. There is also a cancellation watch feature on it by where you can register for a particular day and time you would have preferred. If that day/time becomes available then you will be notified via text to be able to rebook it.
NO SHOWS – If you no show for your appointment and when I try to call or text and your phone is switched off or i’m ignored and not responded to then i will not rebook you again. I respect my clients and I expect the same in return. Genuine no-show’s can be worked around and with my online booking system. An appointment reminder is always sent or can be requested to ensure appointments aren’t missed. You have full control to be able to cancel your appointment if necessary online, alternatively message me and cancel. 50% of the total treatment cost will be kept/charged accordingly for failure to show up for the missed appointment that then couldn't be given to an alternative guest.
AFTERCARE – When filling out your Consult with Confidence consultation form you will give your consent to receiving the necessary aftercare guidelines after your treatment. The aftercare guidelines are emailed across to you via the consult with confidence consultation software I use and are very important in helping you achieve the best results, longevity and avoiding potential contra actions associated with your treatment. This is logged each time on client notes. In the event of a contra action having occurred that appears worrying to you please get in touch with me within 24 hours to discuss and so I can give you correct guidance about what to do. Thank you.
GIFT VOUCHER AND PRE-PAID SESSIONS PROCEDURE – Each gift voucher comes with a 6 month expiry. It starts from the date the voucher is purchased and expires 6 months after that date. In exceptional circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as a good will gesture the voucher will start from the date the lockdown restrictions are lifted and commenced trading can begin and expiry 6 months after that. Any pre-paid electrolysis packages that are purchased have to be used within a 6 month time frame too, treatment plan dependant. A treatment plan will always be devised and explained to you when receiving Electrolysis treatment due to being a requirement for successful results. No more than 10 electrolysis sessions can be purchased at any one time. No new sessions can be bought until the remaining sessions have been used. The amount of pre-paid course sessions will always be tailored and worked out according to what stage of your Electrolysis treatment plan you're at.Treatments excluding Electrolysis that are paid for upfront (not gift vouchers) must be booked in and used within 30 days of purchase.
METHODS OF PAYMENT – I can either accept cash or card transactions these include all major credit cards and apple pay. I use a system called square up. It allows me to process card payments via the Square up app on my mobile phone. No card details are stored on my mobile phone under any circumstances. The square upp card app only has the ability to refund transactions but all card details are encrypted and no payments can be taken unless the card holder is present.
PRE CONSULTATION REQUIREMENTS BEFORE TREATMENT – Every client will have to fill out a new pre-visit online consultation form before arriving at the salon post lockdown as certain treatments cannot be carried out or have to be modified depending on contraindications for that treatment. They include GDPR, COVID-19 questions and pre-visit forms pertaining to the treatments being carried out. Failure to agree to this will mean the treatments can’t be carried out due to insurance and gdpr purposes as you’re opting out of consenting to give your information. Likewise, certain medical conditions may mean that I can’t carry out your treatments either completely or unless a doctor’s written letter of approval is sought. Clients without email access or don’t fill their forms out pre appointment I will manually go through the online consultation forms with you that you can sign in front of me. Pre-visit forms are always verified together upon arrival at your appointment and gone through together to see if there are any changes since filling it out or on the day of treatment.
PATCH TESTING – A patch test is a mandatory test that has to be performed a minimum of 24-48 hours before your tinting service, regardless if you’ve previously been patch tested before by another salon. It is routinely re done every 6 months. It also applies to Lash lifting and tinting due to all the products needing to be tested on you minimum 48 hours before treatment. Products used will always be in date and are regularly checked and recorded for monitoring and to achieve optimum results with your treatments. Repeat patch testing may be necessary within the 6 month time frame if your medical history changes and anything arises whereby your body can trigger an auto immune response to the chemicals within the tinting products. Refusal to do this will result in the treatment not being able to go ahead.
TREATMENT AGE RESRICTIONS AND POLICY FOR TREATMENT – I am not permitted to work on anyone under the age of 16*. If below this age then parental consent is required and I will call to check with my insurance first for clarification and make sure relevant consent forms are filled out too. Some treatments such as dermaplaning and Intimate waxing are 18 years old. A cooling off period will always be given before entering into a treatment plan with the client to give you a chance to change your mind.
STAFF HOLIDAY DISCLAIMER – my entitlement to book holiday might mean me having to change appointments in exceptional circumstances. I am entitled to a holiday once in a while just like you are. I will always endeavour to give you at least 3 months notice before my holiday starts. This will be reflected on my online booking system and be blocked out. If for any reason clients are booked in and I needed to change your appointment last minute due to sickness or personal circumstances then my earliest availability will always be given to be able to accommodate you even if it means working on a Sunday for example.
GRATUITIES/TIPS – Is not customary in the UK and all of my services are carried out to the highest standards regardless and priced accordingly. However if you would like to leave a tip at the end of your treatment then you are more than welcome to and is done so at your discretion.
PRODUCT ORDERING – Stock is ordered on a Monday every 2 weeks. If a client has a special request for a product this can be arranged and ordered when placing stock order. Products are priced at full retail price. If you have purchased an aftercare product and are unhappy with it, you have the right to a full refund or an exchange for a different product within 30 days (1 month) from initial purchase day.
REFUND AND EXCHANGE POLICY – I operate a no refund policy for treatments. If you for some reason are not happy with the service or treatment you received then please notify me within 24 hours. I will try to rectify the problem in the best way I can, either by doing the treatment again for free* or offering an alternative to suit your needs and meet your expectations.
CLIENT BELONGINGS AND VALUABLES – Please leave all valuables of expensive value at home, please place all shoes, handbags in the box provided. The utmost care is taken to prevent any spillage or damage to your clothing during treatments however if you are having a bikini wax for example and prefer to wear knickers please ensure they are relatively old and not your brand new agent provocateur black little numbers! Save them for best.
MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWNS – If for any reason one of my machines were to break on the morning of your treatment I would notify you asap to rearrange your appointment for the earliest available time possible, machine repair dependant. If the machine breaks mid treatment there will be no charge for the treatment I am performing.
PETS – Please leave all pets at home, thank you. My pet is also not permitted in the salon for hygiene and safety reasons.
FRIENDS AND FAMILY IN SALON – I have enough room space wise for 2 people other than myself in the salon at one time. With current Covid restrictions in place I can't maintain safe social distancing measures if 2 other people plus me are in the salon at one time. No children under the age of 16 are allowed into the salon without a minor consent form being filled out first.
HEALTH HISTORY, PREGNANCY AND MEDICAL CONDITION DISCLOSURE – I cannot be held responsible for any medical conditions or illnesses that you haven’t disclosed when you fill out your client consultation form. At least 24 hours before every appointment I will send you over a pre-visit form for you to fill out asking you if anything has changed regarding your health and medication since your last appointment. All information disclosed is kept in strict privacy and under GDPR guidelines. (see relevant section)
TREATMENT RESTICTIONS DUE TO HEALTH – If it is discovered that yourf treatment cannot be carried out then this will be discussed before arrival to your appointment if you have booked your appointment via my online booking system as your consultation form will be sent out to you to be filled in before your appointment. If a client has not registered for online booking then discussion of contraindications will always be discussed after consultation form has been filled in.
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE – Need to be made to myself in writing. A polite resolution will hopefully be found as my customer’s satisfaction is my priority. Correspondence may need to be in writing complaint dependant.
HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY – I have a duty of care to my customers, visitors and guests. Smooth and Sophistikated is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all customers that visit. I have an up to date Risk assessment policy that I regularly update. Newest version is MARCH 2021. The health and safety of my clients is my priority. All treatments are carried out to manufacturers and training guidelines. All equipment, plugs and fire extinguishers are checked annually or when required. I have a licence from Bedfordshire County Council and Environmental Health to carry out Electrolysis on my premises and I am also licensed myself by them. I also have public liability insurance in place.
HYGIENE PROTOCOLS POLICY – I have a strict cleaning policy in place in line with my risk assessment. I follow COSHH guidelines for my stock and cleaning products. All products are either single use or sanitisable. All tools used for treatments,unless disposable are sterilised using an autoclave steriliser that is regularly checked.
COVID 19 POLICY – This is included on my booking terms and conditions above when an appointment has been booked as to what is expected.
GDPR POLICY – All correspondence filled out online or via paper format is kept under strict 2018 GDPR guidelines. The information I collect is relative to the treatment/s I carry out on you in accordance to guidelines I need to follow and for insurance. I collect it by asking you to fill out a consultation form online or via paper format and I use it to ensure your treatment and medical information is kept up to date and that you’re not contraindicated to the treatment I am carrying out, as well as any notes pertaining to the treatment. I also collect First name and last name, date of birth, Telephone numbers, address and email address. I use the telephone or email address to contact you for appointment information purposes ONLY. All information is stored either via the book in beautiful online booking service under their GDPR policy or the Consult with Confidence consultation form software which you have the choice to consent to when signing up to the online booking service. With consult with confidence I ask you first if I can create your profile on their system and a GDPR form is filled out for your completion/acceptance to them holding your information. Any manual paper copy forms you have filled in are stored in a locked cabinet and remain in my filing system for 7 years in line with insurance guidelines. None of your information is ever shared or given to 3rd parties for their use or used for marketing purposes (unless you have consented) and your consent will always be asked for if new software is introduced such as consult with confidence which helps my business run effectively for your treatments. You have the right to withdraw your consent, retract or delete files at any time and if you wish to have a copy of the records stored in my manual filing system or on the book in beautiful online booking system or the consult with confidence consultation forms you can request these at any time in writing either to my home address – 165 COTEFIELD DRIVE, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, BEDS, LU7 3DN or via email sophistikated@mail.com. I will reply to you within 24 hours with a response. You can opt out, withdraw and erase any forms at anytime you wish also. If you have any questions relating to my GDPR policy please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please also contact me in writing if you believe your information has been breached. I have a yearly registration with the ICO as I hold your information both manually in paper format, your mobile phone numbers on my personal mobile phone and electronically via booking/consultation software. I have virus protection installed with ESET for added protection. More information can be found online about this on the ico website address – www.ico.org.uk
PRIVACY POLICY – Is covered on both the book In beautiful online booking platform and consult with confidence online consultation form software at the bottom of both respective homepages.